April 16, 1860
"Reached my place of destination. There was a heavy migration of saints from other counties pouring into the Valley, both before and after me during the spring. The valley is large and most excellent for farming and stock raising. The place whichI selected for my farming location, and which was recommended to me by the Presiding Bishop of this Stake of Zion, was situated five miles north of Logan, the county seat, securing at the same time a city lot in Logan, upon which to locate my family or a portion of it as soon as circumstances would permit."
Thus we read from the private journal of William Hyde, his first visit to the town site which would bear his name. He set the stake for the settlement and then left to make preparations to move his family and belongings from Lehi, Utah, to the new settlement in Cache Valley.
By July 1, of this year (1860), sixteen families were settled near this spring, and Apostle Ezra T.Benson, then President of the Cache Stake of Zion, with Peter Maughan, acting Bishop, organized a settlement and named it Hyde Park, out of respect for William Hyde, and also because of Hyde Park in London, England, where the Daines family came from.Of this occasion William Hyde recorded the following in his personal diary:
Sunday July 1.
"A settlement was organized at my place of residence, called Hyde Park; and I was appointed top reside and act as Bishop, etc. Brothers Benson and Maughan spoke on the occasion, and gave many valuable instructions in reference to a united policy in rearing our new settlements and in regard to our intercourse with the Lamanites among whom we were settled.
"Elder William Hyde was called to act as Bishop, but was not ordained to this office until October7, 1872. Patterson Delors Griffith and Simpson M. Molen were chosen first and second counselors with William England as ward clerk.
On September 9, 1860, James Thurston and wife Mary with three children, Hannah, SarahElizabeth, and Stephen; James Hancey and wife Rachel and son James S., Lydia Wilkinson and son William arrived. The following were also among the first settlers in Hyde Park: James Mack,Charles Reese, George Thomas, Thomas Rodgers, Peter Grough, Henry Ashcroft, William Higgenson and Niels Nielsen.
In the Spring of 1861, John A. Woolf and family settled in Hyde Park and later he was chosen to succeed Patterson D. Griffith, who through the press of business was released from Bishopric.S.M. Molen was sustained as the first counselor with John A. Woolf as second counselor. Some of the first meetings were held in the Metcalf dugout.
During the Summer of 1860, the people began to build their homes, for until that time they had lived in their wagons and temporary dugouts. The first houses were built on Center Street between the present First West Street and the spring at the west end of town. The houses were built close together in fort formation for mutual protection against any Indian raids. In 1861 and1862 a military organization was created to give better protection.
While the militia was always required to be ready for self defense and emergencies, they were strictly enjoined by President Brigham Young to give the Indians no cause of offense. The settlers were enjoined not to kill any game or take the fish which the Indians claimed belonged to them, but to buy what they needed. This would give the Indians food and they would not have to steal from the settlers. President Young always maintained that it was cheaper financially to feed theIndians than to fight them. At the same time, the settlers were to be firm with the Indians and notlet them trample on their rights.
A year later a martial band was organized and years later (1882) was named the Hyde Park Band, which became well known throughout the valley.
In the first summer of settlement, an irrigation canal from Summit Creek to the north, a distance of three miles, and from the Logan River, a distance of five and one-half miles was staked out.The Logan-Hyde Park Canal was not available that season, but with more settlers the next year and with a united effort, the Logan-Hyde Park Canal was completed in the Summer of 1861 and the water was taken to the small farms to save the crops of the settlers.
From the head of the ditch, across the river basin and around the north hill side of Logan, the ditch was dug by pick and shovel and was difficult construction. These were crude implements and not many of them were available. After getting the canal around to the north rim of the river basin, a "go-devil" was used and good progress was made. This implement consisted of heavy timber made in the shape of a triangle, similar to the snow plows used to clear the sidewalks in winter time. This was heavily loaded with men and several yoke of oxen were hitched to it to pull it along. In this way, the loose dirt was pushed to the sides and helped to make the banks for the canal.
This canal meant much to the settlers at Hyde Park and they helped to construct it so that they could get water to irrigate their small tracts of land and gardens. On the Logan hillside, the canal gave considerable trouble with washouts, until its banks were set. This canal is now commonly known as the lower canal.
In the year 1865 the Saints built their first school and church house which was located on the corner that is now First West and Center. Later when the Rock Meeting House was constructed it was moved north and across the street from C. C. Lee and Sons store (47 North First West). This building served to hold both public worship and school. It was a one room log building, about 18by 16 feet. The benches were made from rough slabs. Thomas Slight was the first school teacher.To the east and south of this building, the settlers established a public corral, where all the stock was kept at night, and guarded as a protection against the Indians. The cattle were taken to the foothills to graze during the day.
In the year 1864 city lots were surveyed and a town site was started. Families moved out of the fort, and built homes on lots, improving the lots by planting shade and fruit trees. These first homes were log cabins consisting of one or two rooms. They had only dirt floors. A fireplace was built in each one to be used for cooking and for heat. All the wood for the homes and firewood had to be hauled from the hills east of town. At first the logs were sawed by hand. One man would stand in a pit and another on top of the log. They would work a handsaw up and down and saw the logs. Later better methods were used.
That same year Bishop Hyde was called as a captain of a Salt Lake immigration company to help bring immigrants from the Missouri River to Utah.
In about the year 1863, Bishop Hyde appointed Patterson Deloss Griffeth as Choir Leader, or Chorister, with the privilege of calling to his aid the best talent in the ward to organize a choir. Brother Griffeth possessed the only music book in the ward at that time.
According to a choir history written by James S. Hancey:
"Between the years 1863-1864 Edwin Duzard Crowther (who had gone to Salt Lake City to find work) came back to Hyde Park, bringing with him some music books from which he taught the children several Sunday School songs, meeting in private dwellings, once a week for rehearsals.He (E.D. Crowther) also organized a "Home Dramatic Company" and could rightfully be termed"The Father of the Drama" in Hyde Park. He and Brother Griffeth labored together as singing masters for a number of years after."
Joseph B. Roper purchased and brought the first "Cottage Organ" into Hyde Park, having paid$185 for a small box case, four stop, Esty Organ. This organ was afterwards sold to the ward andplaced in the Old Rock Meeting House for the use of the choir.
In April 1865, work commenced on the Logan-Richmond Canal. By this time, many new settlers had arrived in the valley, and, of course, the demand for irrigation water to bring more land under production became greater, especially in those settlements located on the smaller streams. This canal was headed in the Logan River basin just below the present State power dam and extended from the north rim of the basin to just below the Agricultural College hill, going north to Hyde Park, Smithfield, and lower Richmond. The survey was conducted by County Surveyor James Martineau.
This canal, known as the middle canal in Hyde Park, was more difficult to construct than the first one, as it extended farther around the rim of the basin. However, by that time, there were more workers with better ditch-building implements. The canal brought many more acres under irrigation and helped to materially increase the wealth and population of the settlements. By June 1866, the water was in the canal to Hyde Park.
As more settlers arrived and land was taken up, the demand for irrigation water naturally increased, making it more difficult to obtain and, likewise, more valuable. Mr. Thomas Ricks, who had considerable experience in railroad construction, along with others, conceived the idea of constructing a canal on the north mountainside of Logan Canyon and bringing the water onto the uplands. A number of people in Logan, North Logan, Hyde Park, Smithfield, and Richmond were very interested in the project, and construction commenced. Its source was about one mile up the canyon on the Logan River. It was a challenging construction project due to the extensive rockwork and tunneling on the mountainside. Additionally, because of the canal's length, washouts were frequent, leading many to become discouraged and predict the project's failure. However, Thomas Ricks and others persevered, having faith in the project. Ricks, especially, expended all the money he had to complete the ditch. Eventually, it was finished, and hundreds of acres of land were irrigated under it. Where it extended, the settlements rapidly increased in population and wealth.
A building committee consisting of Bishop William Hyde and his counselors, S. M. Molen andJohn A. Woolf, Robert Daines and Henry Ashcroft was appointed to build a meeting house to meet the needs of the increased population of the town. At the end of the year 1866, a structure30 by 50 feet was erected and completed. The rock was taken from [a quarry up Main Canyon east of Hyde Park], and was laid by Thomas Reese and Thomas Kirby. The rough sawn lumber used came from Brigham City. The carpentry work was done by James Hancey, Sr., WilliamGibson and John Turner and supervised by James Hancey. The door and window sash were made by Mr. Hancey. The building was later added to, used as a school and finally sold to the UIC.Railroad to be used for many years as a station for the company. When the railroad was taken out of town, Vernal Seamons bought the building. It was known as the "Old Rock Meeting House"and stood as a monument to the early pioneers. In 1962, this building was torn down to make a place for a new post office for the town of Hyde Park.
In the year 1866 an organization known as the Young Men's Institute was effected with John A.Woolf as president. At a public meeting held in March, 1867, the first Sunday School was organized with Benjamin Roper acting as superintendent, and Thomas Kirby and L. C. Burnham as assistants. On September 9, 1867, President Brigham Young and several of the Apostles visited the ward and gave the pioneers many valuable instructions. Under the direction of Sister Elijah Seamons, a public dinner was served before their departure.
An association known as the "Female Relief Society" was organized under the direction of BishopHyde, May 22, 1868. Bishop Hyde called the sisters together along with a number of the brethren.The choir was present to furnish the music. Sister Abigail Gloyd Hyde was chosen to be the first president. She served very diligently for six years. Her counselors were Sisters Sally Hyde andElizabeth Griffith. Sophronia Follett served as secretary and Jemima Daines as treasurer. There were fifty-five members enrolled.
In March, 1868, a Cooperative Store was organized with capital of $1,000, divided into shares of$25 each, which was owned by 21 shareholders, with Bishop William Hyde as president; and on March 25, the first stock of goods was placed on the shelves in a building just east of BishopHyde's home. Sister Abigail Hyde and Simpson Molen were the first clerks. Merchandise was purchased from ZCMI. of Salt Lake City.
The increasing population of children necessitated more school room, and in 1870 a concrete building for a school house, 38 feet by 22 feet was erected immediately north of the rock meetinghouse. S. M. Molen supervised the work. The people labored diligently to work out their assessments for building this school house.
A lumber granary was built in the year 1872, for the purpose of storing tithing grain, and the same year the Northern Railroad was being built through Cache Valley which furnished work for a number of men, and by Fall of 1873, it had passed through the Hyde Park town.
By January 1874, a census showed Hyde Park's population to be 445 consisting of 77 families. At this time Bishop Hyde proposed building an annex known as a vestry, on the north side of the meeting house. The people subscribed liberally, but these plans were thwarted because of thedeath of Bishop Hyde. However, the vestry was completed in the year 1875 and was used for prayer meetings. It was later used as a school house.
March 27, 1874, Brigham Young, Jr., the Stake President, called the saints together for the purpose of filling the vacancy caused by the death of Bishop Hyde. Elder Robert Daines was chosen and set apart to act as Bishop of Hyde Park Ward, with S. M. Molen as first counselor, and Suel Lamb as second counselor. James Hurren had been acting as first counselor until S. M. Molen returned from a Mission. It was at that time that Lars C. Petersen was called to act as assistant ward clerk, later as ward clerk, which position he held until the time of his death,October 25, 1920.
The first official mail route into and out of Cache Valley was established in 1860, the year ofHyde Park's settlement. Brigham Young called Samuel Whitney to carry the mail betweenBrigham City and Logan. This work was considered a mission and Mr. Whitney did not receive any pay other than a little flour and other produce from the tithing office in Logan. He delivered the mail destined for Hyde Park at the Logan Tithing Office from where the Hyde Park settlers could pickup their mail.
A year later the routes were changed and the mail was carried pony express style (with changing riders) from Wellsville to the north end of the valley, with one rider making a stop at Hyde Park.This gave the valley two mail services each week.
On April 9, 1874, mail service was officially begun in Hyde Park with the appointment of Abigail Gloyd Hyde as the first postmaster. She was followed by Jemima Daines, James Martin, and MaryBake Woolf.
On May 24, 1874, the Relief Society was reorganized with Mary E. Woolf being chosen as president and Sally Hyde and Jemima S. Daines as her counselors. At this time the piecing ofquilts to be used for the poor was one of the assignments given to the Relief Society sisters. These donations were more than likely received in butter, eggs, yarn, etc. Then, in 1874, some of the sisters were called to meet together to spin wool tools.
During these early years, much time was donated as well as money to the building of the LoganTemple. In the year 1874, President Brigham Young gave the women the responsibility of saving grain. Each year the members would donate what grain they could afford to buy, raise, or glean from the fields after the harvest. This would amount to about one-half bushel per member, some giving more, some less. By 1877, they had well over 77 bushels of grain. This year also, ten sisters were called to act as teachers to visit the sick and the needy. Rags were torn and sewn into a carpet for the Church vestry. In 1879, there being a need for a granary in which to store their wheat, one was built east of the old rock meeting house. This was a great help to the sisters asthey now had 250 bushels. This project was done under the direction of Bishop Daines. At one of their meetings, he counseled the sisters to attend to their duties--he felt sure that the brethren would take more wives if they were encouraged instead of discouraged to do so.
It was at this time that the raising of silk worms became a project of the sisters. They bought $5 worth of mulberry trees, got their husbands to plant them and then proceeded to take classes in silk culture, fed the worms and made and sold silk wear. In most cases, Relief Society members were required to donate one of the rooms in their homes to the raising of worms. An ounce of eggs didn't look like much and ambitious women wanted several. After all, the six weeks required to feed the mulberry leaves after the worms had hatched, wasn't long. They soon realized their mistake. The worms grew very rapidly and in some cases were soon occupying whole houses. The united and full-time efforts of the entire family were required to provide the bushels of leaves needed to feed them. The worms had to be placed on clean trays each day, protected from temperature change and pests. The worms spun cocoons and soon the silk was removed, dyed, spun into cloth and used by the sisters to make clothing. The spirit in which the sisters approached this mission must have made the angels rejoice. It isn't known how long this particular project lasted.
The magazine "The Woman's Exponent" was now being published by the Relief Society GeneralBoard. The sisters were urged to take out their naturalization papers so they could vote. SisterEliza R. Snow visited a meeting in Hyde Park for which the sisters were very grateful. She told them to be very faithful and they would become goddesses in the Celestial Kingdom. They were to help each other in time of trials. Mothers should always be real saints, keeping the Word ofWisdom and always living the gospel.
Up until 1876 the choir possessed very few music or hymn books, but under the direction ofBishop Daines a free will contribution to the choir was called for and a concert was given by the choir. With the proceeds, a set of hymn books and a number of music books were purchased. The choir membership increased and many new "anthems, tunes, and glees" were learned. Soon after, another concert was given, another donation was called for, and a new chapel organ, a NewmanBrothers, was bought from the Harris Bros. Music Company of Logan for $215.
Sometime during the year of 1879 the Primary Association of Hyde Park was organized under the direction of Sister Eliza R. Snow and other members of the General Primary Association of SaltLake. Sister Maria Allred was sustained as president with Jane E. Molen as first counselor andSally Hyde as second counselor, Eliza M. Hurren as secretary, Freddie Hancey as assistant treasurer, and Sarah Woolf as treasurer.

In the Fall of 1879, a new store was built by the people; it was known as the "Co-op Store," and continued business under that name until 1892 when C. C. Lee purchased it and was then known as C. C. Lee and Sons.
Christina Mikkelsen started a store located on the northeast corner of Second North and Main inJune of the same year (1879) and sold general merchandise until 1895, when management changed and Isaac Jorgensen became manager. This store was known as "Mikk's" and later as the"People's Store." It was sold to R. K. Thomas Co. of Logan, and was managed by Mary Ann C.Mikkelsen, who later owned it for many years. After their retirement,.it changed hands several times. George Saunders ran it for sometime and then Sarah T. Daines ran it until the building finally burned to the ground in September of 1928.

Although the date of organization of the HydePark band was in 1882, it really dates back as early as 1866 when a militia band was effected here in connection with a military organization which was organized for protection against theIndians who were hostile at this time. This band consisted of four fifes, three snare drums an done bass drum, and under the training of CharlesWright and Calvin Cragun of Smithfield, the following members composed the first band in Hyde Park: Samuel Seamons, Christen (the fiddlerChristensen, Edwin M. Thurman, William Hyde, Jr., James S. Hancey, Andrew Griffeth and Niels Mikkelsen. This band with the Smithfield and Richmond martial bands would consolidate as a regimental band whenever the militia would be mobilized and out for drills. The first of these drills was held October 15, 1865, and were held annually until 1876.
In March, 1892, the band was sustained as a ward organization with James S. Hancey as director.It continued with some changes in members until the fall or winter of 1892-93 when it wasdissolved because of political differences on party lines, brought to bear outside and inside. The instruments belonged to the public and since the band members were Democratic they would play only for their own party without charge.
In 1897, Bishop Charles G. Hyde sent the old instruments to a factory and had them repaired, called some of the musicians of the town of Hyde Park together and said "Let's have a band! You can take the instruments and play for Democrats, Republicans, or Mugwumps, or money, onlygive us some music when we want it in the ward." The effect was electrical as the interest in bands had not died out. James S. Hancey was director of the band. The band was engaged by different cities and towns in the valley to play for political rallies, celebrations, picnics and dances.They played for the Scofield Sufferers of the coal mine disaster when Nannie Tout, the famousOgden singer, sang for them in Logan. They played for the Welch reunion at the Reese OperaHouse at Logan and for the Scandinavian Mid-Summer feast. They were popular throughout thevalley, and with the Hyrum Band, went to Salt Lake City to welcome home the Utah veterans of the Spanish American War in 1899. The band continued until about 1916.
At a mass meeting, November 50, 1887, it was decided to build a new and larger building to be used as a church and amusement hall, but not until January 20, 1892, was a committee appointed.A frame structure 56 feet by 66 feet was built on the northwest corner of the public square. Rock was hauled out of the hills east of town for the foundation. James S. Hancey had charge of the building, and it was completed in about a year. A Sunday School Jubilee on September 19, 1895 ,of the Hyde Park, Greenville, (North Logan) and Benson Wards was the first social meeting to beheld regularly here until a new and larger meeting house was built, then it was used only as an amusement hall until it burned down on January 23, 1924, due to a defective flue.
Because of the death of Bishop Robert Daines, November 16, 1892, Charles G. Hyde was chosenand set apart as Bishop with J. W. D. Hurren and Lorenzo Petersen as counselors. This Bishopric served in this capacity until the sudden death of Bishop Hyde November 28, 1922.
Two months later, January 28, 1923, at a ward conference James W. Seamons was sustained and set apart as Bishop. John E. Lee and R. Homer Hyde were chosen as counselors with James A.Daines as ward clerk.
About July, 189S, C. C. Lee and Sons established a creamery at their farm west of town. They bought the surplus milk of the town and made it into butter and cheese. This was really the starting of the dairy industry in this section, which later proved to be one of the leading industries, and for many years was the main year round financial support of the community.
The principal crops during the early history of Hyde Park were wheat, oats, potatoes and a little corn. Wild hay from the present pastures west of town was the only feed for the animals. This hay was cut with a scythe and raked with a hand rake for many years. Charles Lyons had the first mower in town. He did all of the hay cutting for everyone for a few years. The grain was cut with a scythe and cradle. It was threshed with a flail, which was two sticks hinged together and used to beat the grain. Then the grain was tossed into the air and the wind would blow away the chaff and leave the grain. The first grain binder came to the community during 1880. This made it much easier for the farmers to thresh.
On September 28, 1903, the Hyde Park School Board held a public meeting for all qualified voters of the Hyde Park School District. The purpose of the meeting was to consider the construction of a new school house for the community. At this meeting the voters approved the purchase of the two acre plot of land situated on the northeast corner of First North Street andCenter for an amount of $1250. The district school board of Hyde Park with Reuben Perkes as chairman immediately began formulating plans for the new structure. The architect was a Mr.Bowman from Logan. Minutes from the board meeting of November 12, 1903, record that the"board met and awarded quaffing of rock to William Cook and H. Elwood at 57 1/2 cents perton, the district to furnish powder for same."
On October 17, 1904, James S. Hancey was awarded the bid for painting. Of this bid the minutes record: "The Hyde Park School Board met at C. C. Lee and Son's Store, Reuben Perkes in the chair, and considered the following bids for painting the new central school building." "James S.Hancey would furnish oils, paints, etc. same to be first grade and paint building except roof for$174. Also would furnish all paints, oils and paint roof and tower for $115.50. All work to be done according to specifications of district's architects."
The building was completed in 1904. It was a steam heated, two story structure with a library anda basement. Later, in the year 1921, an annex was built on the east side. They improved the heating system and installed a stoker. Playground equipment was also added. During the year1939, the Cache County School Board built a new gymnasium on the school grounds, connecting it to the original school house.
On March 11, 1912, the town board granted the Logan Rapid Transit Company, a franchise to construct an electric railroad through town, and on September 17, of the same year, the first electric cars passed through the community with the company's officials and other guests as passengers. A reception was held in the amusement hall to commemorate the occasion, with the officials of the railroad and others as special guests. Later this company changed hands and was known as the U.I.C. Railroad. This means of travel served the community for many years, but was finally removed when the railroad company discontinued their service and the tracks were taken up.
At this time, Miss Lydia J. Daines was serving as postmaster, having been appointed to that post during the Summer of 1909. The post office was then located at 10 East Center. The quarters were in a special room built on to the east side of what was known as the Mary Morrell home and at that time was one of the newest and best homes in the community. Miss Daines served as postmaster until her death in 1939.
November 6, 1914, the Stake President, with Camilla Smith and Stensa Craney met with theRelief Society of Hyde Park and organized a camp of the Daughters of the Pioneers. The camp was called the William Hyde Camp in honor of the founder of the community.
One of the most modern church buildings in the west was erected in the year of 1917 by the people of Hyde Park at a cost of $17,610. The plans were drawn by the church architect, Mr.Pope, and the contract was given to T. G. Rowland of Logan. The building was of red brick and was composed of a main auditorium with six classrooms which, when necessary, opens into the main auditorium. The lighting and heating system was the very best. The surroundings were beautiful with cement walls, lawns, shrubbery and flowers. Because of its modern and beautiful appearance, a picture and description of it appeared in a nationally published magazine. Much credit is due the late Bishop Charles G. Hyde and his counselors, J. W. D. Hurren and LorenzoPeterson for this enterprise.
The first meeting was held in February 16, 1919, although it was not completed. On completion of the building it was dedicated by President Heber J. Grant in September 1921.
When our country entered the first "World War" April 6, 1917, the town of Hyde Park was forward in our country's call and needs, oversubscribing the Liberty Bond issues and furnishing our quota of men who were drafted or volunteered for service, as well as other activities. Those who participated (26 total) in enlistment follow:
Navy - Lyman Balls, Fenton Waite, and Andy Christoffersen
Army - A. E. F. France, Mervin Elwood, Herbert M. Seamons, Evan H. Hancey,Orlo Hyde, DeWayne Ricks, Royal E. Lee and Grover P. Hancey.
Phillipine Islands - Byron Ashcroft and John Jackson
Hawaiian Islands - Lenard Hancey, Leslie Hancey, and Norval Hancey.
Training camps in the United States - Alvin Balls, Golden Cook, Moses Reeder,Irving Waite, LeVere Balls, Evander L. Waite, Willie Lamb, Rosel Elwood,Delmar Daines, Henry R. Hurren and Everett Hancey.
Mervin Elwood paid the supreme sacrifice by loss of life in the Argonne Forests; thus we had one"Gold Star Mother", Mrs. Laura S. Elwood.
In 1917, President Joseph F. Smith of the LDS church requested all of the Relief Societies of the church to sell their wheat to the government for the starving millions in Europe. A wheat deposit receipt in the amount of $6,492 in favor of the Hyde Park Relief Society covering the sale of this wheat was sent to the society from the First Presidency of the Church.
Much Red Cross work was done by the Relief Society during World War I. Knitting, preparingChristmas boxes for the soldiers, and the sale of Liberty bonds were among these good works.
After the fire destroyed the amusement hall January 25, 1924, a building committee was appointed for the purpose of constructing a new social hall, and with the cooperation of practically every man and boy in town, an up-to-date amusement hall was erected in about two months. Jesse S. Hancey and George C. Nielson supervised the building in connection with a building committee as follows: S. E. Lamb, William Follett, J. W. Waite, Herbert M. Seamons, G.Ernest Kirby, and Homer G. Daines.
The building was of red brick having a main auditorium with hard wood floor, a stage with scenery, two dressing rooms, a kitchen and it was equipped for picture shows. It was completed the same year and a ward reunion was held as the first meeting and opening banquet. In 1948, fire destroyed this building and the recreational activities of the ward were held at the school house until an addition to the church house was completed.
Like the other settlers of the valley, the people of Hyde Park were resourceful and began to buildup home industries. A small saw mill was constructed in the south part of the town (Jessie Hancey's lot). The water power came from the Logan-Richmond Canal. Thomas Hillyard ofSmithfield and James Hancey of Hyde Park built the mill. They had an upright saw and a wooden undershot water-wheel. They built the water-wheel out of old cylinders of threshing machines.John Balls did the sawing. Later, Hyde Park bought a half interest in the mill. It was owned by William Gibson of Franklin. The saw and other portable equipment were moved back and forth from Franklin to Hyde Park for sawing. Later, James Hancey bought the mill and had a circular saw and a turbine water-wheel installed.
James Hancey and George Parrott built a wood-turning lathe and later James Hancey added a lathe for turning iron. It was used in the repair of machinery. Mr. Hancey made a considerable amount of furniture, including cupboards, chairs, and beds. He helped to furnish many of the homes in Hyde Park.
On January 16, 1892, the town of Hyde Park was incorporated with the following members acting as a board of trustees: Charles G. Hyde, President; Stephen Thurston, Henry E. Hancey, Sr., IsaacJorgensen and George F. Ashcroft, Sr., as trustees, who duly appointed George S. Daines as clerk, Horace W. Hancey as treasurer, and George D. Reeder as Marshal. The above named were the first elected town officials of the incorporated town of Hyde Park, and acted in that capacityuntil January 1, 1910.
The town square on which the frame church house stood was officially purchased by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in 1902.
During the four years from 1928 to 1952 under the leadership of the following board of trustees:President Henry E. Hancey and members George F. Ashcroft, Jr., R. A, Perkes, John B. Kirbyand Herbert Seamons, the town enjoyed the following improvements:
Laid about one mile of cement sidewalks with foot bridges of steel and concrete over the canalon practically every street in town
Grading and graveling the roads
Replaced the old wood pipe of the water mains with a modern up-to-date iron pipe
Cemetery improvements as follows: using water from the town water system, surveying anddrawing up a plat in order that a record may be kept of same, laying out roads and grading them,new fences with a beautiful entrance and exits, leveling grounds and planting seventy Norwegianand Colorado Spruce.
The years 1932 and 1933 the following board of trustees, S. E. Lamb, President; George F.Ashcroft, Jr., J. W. Seamons, George M. Grant and J. William Hyde as members and Lee Hancey as clerk. At this time the town had no bonded indebtedness and was practically out of debt.January 1, 1934, the following took the oath of office of our town: Fred Duce, President, Leslie Hancey, Frank Follett, Grover Hancey, Walter Seamons as board members. Lee Hancey, clerk, and Vernal Seamons, treasurer.
Due to the drought in 1934 the water mains had to be extended two miles farther up the canyon to develop a larger spring which now provides pure cold water. This was a wonderful enterprise for Hyde Park and cost about $11,000.
In 1935 Hyde Park Ward had organizations of the Sunday School, YMMIA. and YLMIA., ReliefSociety, and Primary. The Sunday School Officers at this time were Clarence A. Hurren, Superintendent; C. Leland Ashcroft, first assistant; Samuel Burgess, second assistant; EuniceCook, secretary and treasurer. YMMIA officers were J. W. Hyde, President; Stephen Thurston, first counselor; Frank Lamb, second counselor, Ollie Elwood, secretary and treasurer. YLMIAEthel W. Balls, President; Carrie F. Hurren, 1st assistant; Orma C. Thurston, 2nd assistant, and Myra Daines, Secretary and Treasurer. Primary officers were Maida S. Balls, President; Rettie Perkes, 1st assistant; Hannah L. Seamons, 2nd assistant, and Mildred Daines, Secretary andTreasurer.
When Mary Manetta Hancey served as acting postmaster from October 1959 to June 50, 1940, the post office was located in a small structure at 101 North Main. Manilla Hancey Cook was subsequently appointed postmaster followed by Florence Reeder Hancey and Vernon Perkes in1945. During his term as postmaster the Cache Valley Artificial Breeding Association established a plant in the community and the postal receipts jumped, and for two years the office had a second class rating. The office was referred to as the smallest second class office in the state.
In 1956 the town board members were: President or Mayor Stephen J. Thurston, with membersPaul B. Larsen, Earl Kirby, Niles Follett, and Sidney Hutten, with Lee Hancey as treasurer, GlenWinslow as Marshall and Alma Cook as Justice of the Peace.In 1960, after 100 years of history, the Bishop of Hyde Park was J. William Hyde {grandson of the original Bishop), with Harold G. Daines and Paul B. Larsen, counselors, and Clin A. Balls andLeo Perkes, ward clerks. During the 100 years of its history the ward of Hyde Park had the following Bishops: William Hyde, Robert Daines, Charles G. Hyde, J. W. Seamons, Clarence A.Hurren, Lew A. Balls, Ernest A. Morrison, and then Bishop, J. William Hyde. There were at that time 168 families and 689 citizens in Hyde Park.
In 1999, Hyde Park had approximately 2800 residents, one Stake and 7 Wards of the LDSChurch, one Middle School (Cedar Ridge), postal delivery to the home, a sewer system, and numerous businesses primarily located on Highway 91 west of the residential area of Hyde Park.
Originally compiled by Scott Jeppeson
Editorial adjustments by Jim Belliston, 1999
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