Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 4-17-6 of the Utah Noxious Weed Act, to every person who owns or controls land in Cache County, Utah, that noxious weeds standing, being, or growing on such land shall be controlled and the spread of same prevented by effective cutting, tillage, cropping, pasturing, treating with chemicals or other effective methods, or combination thereof, approved by the County Weed Supervisor, as often as may be required to prevent the weed from blooming and maturing seeds, or spreading by root, root stalks or other means.
Upon failure to comply with this notice, the owner or person in possession of property upon which noxious weeds are present shall be deemed negligent and enforced control measures may be imposed at the discretion of the County authorities. Expense of control measures employed by the County shall be paid directly by the owner or person in possession of the property and become collectible by taxes.