If you’re wondering why Hyde Park City is starting a volunteer parks and trails organization, here are a few reasons:
- Citizens are provided a direct way to improve and protect outdoor spaces ensuring they remain safe, clean, and beautiful for everyone to enjoy.
- A strong sense of community is fostered when residents come together to care for shared outdoor spaces.
- City resources are supplemented, reducing costs while expanding the impact of conservation and improvement efforts.
- Park beautification, tree planting, and trail maintenance, promotes environmental stewardship and enhances quality of life.
Ultimately, a dedicated volunteer organization strengthens civic pride and ensures Hyde Park City’s natural spaces continue to thrive.
Please come and be part of our initial planning meeting on April 9th at city hall from 6:00-6:45 PM.
Text your name and phone number to 435-563-6507 if you would like a text reminder. Or if you can’t make the meeting, text your ideas and input to the same number.